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mercredi 18 octobre 2017

Opale Coast (F) mini road trip -part 5- Boulogne by the sea

Très jolie, et méconnue derrière ses hauts remparts 
la vieille ville, à Boulogne-sur-mer, ça vaut le détour ! ;)


dimanche 15 octobre 2017

Flanders Unlimited Micro Event : all the pictures ! ;)

Tiny, but so friendly meeting this so sunny and hot sunday with all these road-trotters from Flanders, ready to hit the road anytime! 
Ali and Amzah were unfortunately absent, but not in our souls: we all spoke of them, who should arrive in some days, after Merlin is cured of her benign disease.
Bedankt iedereen - Merci à tous - Thank you all